Want to Master Copywriting? Read These Books by the Best in the Industry
If you want to improve your copywriting skills, these books are an excellent place to start. Each of these standouts has helped shape the profession as we know it today. And they continue to influence many writers today.
You want to become a copywriter.
You want to be the best in your field.
But where do you start? How can you get better at what you do?
Check out this list of books written by some of the best in the industry.
Book #1: Confessions of an Advertising Man by David Ogilvy
This book is a timeless classic that provides advice on how to advertise successfully. If you are a beginner copywriter, this book is perfect for you. I read the book last year, and it gave me some fantastic ideas for my ad copies and content strategies.
Book #2: The Boron Letters by Gary C. Halbert
The book is a collection of letters written by Gary Halbert (from prison) to his son.
And although there are tons of marketing books out there, The Boron Letters offers several helpful tips. The book focuses on copywriting, branding, and marketing businesses.
Book #3: Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass
Writing the Breakout Novel is one of the best books on fiction writing out there. Donald Maass knows how to write a book that will inspire and teach his readers without coming off as condescending or pedantic.
I’ll keep updating this space with more copywriting book recommendations. Stay tuned!